Anti-Aging Tips

Anti-Aging Tips

Anti-aging Tips

We've all heard the phrase, "Get better with time" at least once in our lives. This statement embraces the grace, growth and wisdom that comes with time. Although those things are always great, time also brings about aging. Now, don't get me wrong seeing the beauty mature over time is great, BUUUT, if we can slow down the process just a bit that would be great as well. I mean everyone wasn’t given the Benjamin Button gift. We've put together a few tips to help slow down the aging process while still embracing the other great things that comes with it.

Tip 1: Get a skin care regimen.

        Trying to figure out the perfect skin care regimen can be overwhelming and bit pricey when trying to find the right products. When wanting to reduce the signs of aging and save a few dollars upfront, be mindful of a few things.

  • Don’t over cleanse/dry out skin:

Products that leave your skin squeaky clean, normally strips away your natural oils causing the skin to become more dry and prone to get fine lines and wrinkles. Finding a cleanser that gives you a nice fresh clean without the extra squeaky and dryness will do wonders.

  • Vitamin C is your best friend:

Using serum that contains vitamin c at night helps restore and regenerate cells after your day of being in the world and around daily environmental stressors and damaging free radicals. It also inhibits the production of melanin which helps lighten hyperpigmentation and brown spots. So you can wake up with a more radiant, even glowing complexion.

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  • Lock in Moisture:

Finding a slightly heavier cream or serum to use during the day and or add to your vitamin c serum will help penetrate the skin deeper and lock in moisture which helps retain elasticity that keeps the skin looking and feeling youthful.

  • Exfoliate:

Adding an exfoliator into your skin regimen will maximize your skin's health and youthfulness. Buffing away dead skin and allowing new, glowing skin to shine through is just the extra boost of polishing you need for slowing down the look of aging.


Tip 2: Drink or Eat your Water.

        What you put in your body is just as important as what you put on it. Although you have a bomb skin care regimen, if your insides are not taken care of and hydrated, it will soon show on the outside. Drinking the preferred amount of water a day can sometimes be hard and seem like a job. Eating fruit and veggies daily that are packed with antioxidants and water will help take the stress away of remembering to drink your daily dose of water.

Tip 3:  Exercise. 

Adding a simple 30 minute walk, run or anything active will help circulate blood throughout your body which helps distribute essential vitamins and nutrients your body needs that can help enhance the look of skin, hair and nails.

Tip 4:  Sleep Matters.

As easy as sleep may sound, some may be speeding up the aging process by how they sleep or simply not getting the right amount of sleep.

Sleeping with your face on the pillow can cause early signs of aging. If you are a front sleeper then let’s make sure we are doing what we can to minimize the signs of aging.

Making sure you are sleeping on a satin or silk pillowcase. This will assure that the oils in your skin aren't being dried out throughout the night.

Tip 5: Skin Tools.

Derma Roller kits, Gua Sha Stone, Jade Rollers…. The list goes on. Facial tools are a great attribute to help reduce the signs of anti-aging. These with smooth fine lines, tone the face, help blood circulation, fighting acne, and so much more. Be sure you figure out which facial tools are best for you and combating aging.

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